Monday 23 January 2017

Getting Your Lawn Mower Repair Westborough in Time Can Prolong the Machine Life

Well, if you have a home with a small or large lawn area, indeed lawn mower is your go-to equipment. But it’s a machine after all! The parts get worn out and damaged over time and thus you regularly find the need to visit a lawn mower repair shop in Westborough. No matter how much efforts and time you invest in its timely maintenance, there will be some time when some parts in your mower need to be repaired or replaced.

Lawn Mower Repair Westborough
Given good care and maintenance, your mowing machine can last minimum approx 6 years. Besides regular maintenance and repair, you should also save your mower from thick tree stumps, bricks or any other hard obstacle that may come in your route while mowing your garden or yard. Accidentally hitting your lawn mower to a hard surface can damage the cutting blades and other parts of the machine.

Lawn Mower Repair Westborough

It is also a great idea to prepare annual maintenance schedule for your lawn mower so you never skip on routine checks. Following is a season-wise mower maintenance program suggested by a general professionals lawn mower repair shop in Westborough. Let’s read on.

The beginning of the mowing season

  • Check the oil level in your gas mower if it needs to be refilled.
  • Households with 2-stroke small engine should prepare a mixture of gasoline and 2-cycle oil in the proportion recommended in the user manual of the equipment. If you don’t have your mower’s user manual handy, you can also consult your local lawn mower repair Westborough specialist for the guidance. 
  • Clean the mower deck if it has some clippings there. You can use a plastic knife to clear the deck properly. Every time you use your mower, never forget to immediately clear the deck of clippings and other debris. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will become to remove those dried debris and clippings from the deck. Besides, you should note that clippings stuck on the undercarriage walls, if not cleaned, will interrupt the airflow and impact the mulching capacity of the mower. If the deck is made of metal, clippings can also cause corrosion into the metal.
  • Next, check the pull starter cord of the machine and change it if found damaged.
  • Inspect the cutting blades and if they aren’t sharp enough, make sure to sharpen them before you begin with the new mowing season. Typically, one should sharpen the mower blade while storing the machine in the beginning of winter. Sharp mower blade will ensure quick and even cutting.

In the course of mowing 
  • Use a hose to consistently remove clippings from the deck
  • Clean debris and grass clippings from the cooling fins, air intake surface and engine cover of the machine. Repeat this procedure every time you use mower. This is essential step to prevent engine overheating.
  • In case your lawn mower has manual control for engine-speed adjustment, ensure it is set right.
  • Parts like chain drives and belts can worn out or get loose over time. Check them at a regular time interval and make sure there is no damage occurred. And get them replaced at your local lawn mower repair Westborough shop if needed.
Winter storage tips for your lawn mower

Following are some tips shared by the top lawn mower repair specialists in Westborough on how to store your mower right before winter begins.

  • If you have gas based lawn mower, remember to add stabilizer in the fuel tank and keep the mower engine running until the fuel tank gets empty. 
  • Detach the spark plug and mix about an ounce of oil into engine cylinder. In order to ensure that the oil you have added is evenly spread amongst all moving parts of the engine, pull back the starter cord in slow manner. Once the oiling job is done, fit the plug to its original place.
  • Typically, a lawn mower owner should replace the spark plug of the machine at approx every 4 year. 
  • Check the blades of the mower if sharpening is needed. 
  • Check the air filter of your carburetor. If the filter is foam based, you can wash it using normal soap and water mixture. Rinse the filter well and allow it to dry completely. Next, you need to apply engine oil to the filter and let it dry again before you fit it again. If your mower’s carburetor has paper based air filter, there is no way you can clean it and reuse it. So, you will need to replace it. 
  • If your mower has four-stroke engine, drain the old oil and refill new oil.
  • The place where you are thinking to store your mower for the entire winter season, make sure it has good ventilation and the place should be dry. If the flooring of storage area is made of concrete, don’t forget to spread a plastic cover before you put the machine on the floor. Otherwise, the moisture will cause corrosion in your mower deck.
  • Need some more tips on lawn mower maintenance? Visit a professional and reliable lawn mower repair shop in Westborough today!
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