Sunday 11 December 2016

Top Lawn mower repair Specialists of Ashland Advice 4 Things You Must Do before Storing Your Mower This Winter

Winter has finally arrived and you won’t need mower till the end of this cold season. So, it’s time to lock it up somewhere safe in the house and prep up for the upcoming festivals. However, you can’t just store away your lawn mower without following a few essential steps. Yes, you hear me right. You need to do a few things before putting away your small engine into the garage or anyone else in your home, says a leading lawn mower repair shop owner in Ashland.

Now if you are wondering what if you don’t follow those steps and store the mower straightaway, please note that doing so can impact the health of your mower engine; when you take the mower out at the end of the cold season, you will find the engine has damaged and thus your mower isn’t working at all.

But some of the most reputed lawn mower repair shops in Ashland have summed up 5 great tips that you should follow before storing your lawn mower. Continue reading.

lawn mower repair Ashland

  • Oil change: If you have used your lawn mower for multiple mowing sessions, it is very likely that it has debris collected into it which will affect the quality of oil in the engine. Meaning, your engine will not be able to have proper lubrication. This is why it is important to drain the contaminated oil and fill in new oil. This will help the small engine get started smoothly in the near future.
  • Deck cleaning: The second important step is to thoroughly clean the space beneath your mower’s deck. You can use a water hose to remove grass clippings and dirt from the area. If you choose to leave debris underneath the deck for an extended period, it can get harder during colder months and may damage the cutting blade.
  • Fuel tank inspection: If you haven’t drained all fuel, the alternative is to add stabilizer in the fuel. This will prevent your mower’s small engine from any potential damage. Remember, gasoline can degrade if left unused in the fuel tank for long time. And this can lead to corroded metal parts and damaged engine.
  • Removal of the Battery: If your lawn mower runs on an electric battery, don’t forget to take the battery out before you store the mower in a good place. When you remove the battery, clean its terminal with a clean cloth and store it properly in a dry and cool place. Harsh temperature can corrode the battery terminals and worse damage the battery. So, store your battery at a safe place.
  • Store your lawn mower right: Look for a dry and cool place to store your lawn mower safely. Usually, homeowners prefer storing it in a garage. It is a good idea to wrap your mower with a tarp cloth so as to save it from moisture. Excessive moisture can damage the parts of your small engine. Avoid using a plastic cover for mower storage.  
Following these simple tips will ensure your lawn mower is running perfectly fine when you take it out from the storage space for the new mowing season. These small efforts of winterizing your mower properly will save you a good sum on lawn mower repair in the long term. Yet in any unfortunate case, if your mower doesn’t start when you need to use it for mowing later in spring, worry not. Visit a nearby lawn mower repair shop in Ashland and get the problem fixed, so you can start mowing again!

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1 comment:

  1. Excellent and very exciting site. Love to watch. Keep Rocking. Odette Harriston
