Monday, 30 January 2017

Visit Small Engine Repair Shops in Ashland for Quality and Cost-Effective Repairs

Small engines are an inevitable part of our daily lifestyle. They help us maintain residential and commercial properties. Lawn mowers, tillers chainsaws, snow blowers, lawn trimmers and leaf blowers are a few examples of some of the most commonly used small engine outdoor power equipments. Over consistent usage, these tools may witness damage or aging, which demand immediate small engine repair Ashland team to look after the issue and fix it.

DIY small engine repair – is it recommended?

Small Engine Repair Shops in AshlandEven a small error while DIY repairing your small engine machine can impact its functioning. Yet, if you want to repair the equipment on own, make sure you do it with good attention and carefulness to all tiny or large sized parts of the machines. You may need to dismantle and then reassemble the parts once repair is completed. You can also write all steps on a piece of paper and follow them one by one.

Compared to early years, today internet has made DIY repair jobs a lot easier. You will find plenty of articles, blogs, tutorials and videos over the web that will show you how you can fix different small engine problems on own. You will also find plenty of information on small engine maintenance tips and techniques. Or you can consult a local small engine repair specialist in Ashland to learn about routine care and servicing schedule.

There are also some small engine repair shops that provide free download material on small engine maintenance on their website. Find your reliable source of information and follow the guidelines. However, if you figure out that repairing a small engine machine isn’t something you can do, leave the job for the experts of the niche.

Repairing a small engine machine needs specific skill-set and detailed knowledge about the product as well as procedure. If anything may go wrong, it can cause you physical injury or damage the machine. If time or safety is your concern, hire a reliable small engine repair specialist in Ashland to do the job.

A few things you must consider while searching a small engine repair shop in Ashland

When looking online or offline for a small engine repair shop Ashland, the first aim is to avoid hiring repair services of a shop that rip you off with their poor quality workmanship and hidden charges. So, how do you find the right repair shop in the town? Well, following are some great tips that can help you identify a reliable small engine repair shop in Ashland amongst all repair outlets.

  • Learn about their total experience and expertise: If you have shortlisted some repair shops in the town and finding it challenging to pick one of them for your small engine repair and maintenance, find out about the total years of experience and expertise of all of them to make an informed decision. Know what all make and models of small engines they are capable of repairing. Do they keep all different parts of the small engine machines in their shop? Are all those parts 100% authentic? How many years of experience the mechanics have? Finding answers to these questions will help you choose right small engine repair shop. 
  • Burst the myths about the big box stores: The establishment of the big box stores may have been decades ago, but this doesn’t mean that the mechanics working in house also have decades of experience in the niche. Typically, these big stores have mechanics with limited skills, expertise and experience. They are trained to repair models for particular brand. Besides, they charge you more compared to local repair shops. It is probably their infrastructure, marketing and other corporate expenses that enforce them to keep higher repair prices. But you can avail same services at much lower price at one of those local repair shops.
  • Dig out previous customer reviews: You will find customer reviews online which will help you get idea about the quality of workmanship and customer service those local small engine repair shops ensure before visiting one of them. If you hear the repair shop you choose has friendly staff and ensure good service in time, you may hire them for the job or not otherwise!
Remember the above tips to choose best small engine repair store in Ashland.

Purchasing a new small engine – What you must know

If you need to buy a new small engine machine, the first thing to ensure is choose a reputable and reliable source.  This also stands true if you are buying some new parts for your small engine machine. In this age of internet, you can easily shop authentic parts and brand new small engine machines by making a few clicks online. You can enquire rates, check out specifications and discuss your needs to an expert through websites these days. There are many small engine repair shops in Ashland that also sell small engine machines from reputed brands at the most competitive rates. Visit your Ashland based small engine repair store today.

Friday, 27 January 2017

A Simplest Guide to Small Engine Repair & Maintenance for Homeowners in Hudson

A large number of houses in Hudson own minimum one and even up to ten small engine equipment including a lawn mower, a chainsaw, a snow blower, a lawn trimmer and a leaf blower.  These outdoor power equipments make your life easier by saving you a great amount of time and energy.

Overall, these small engine machines help you maintain your landscape and do plenty of other useful jobs in efficient manner. And if you want to avail non-stop service of these equipments and avoid frequent visit to a small engine repair Hudson shop, regular maintenance and good care is the answer.

Good maintenance is the key

Imagine if one of these important tools has suddenly stopped working and how it will bring your life to a halt. If you are one of those homeowners who rely heavily on small engine machines in their everyday lives, you have come to a right post.  Here you will find some basic maintenance and DIY diagnosis tips for your outdoor power equipments. This simple guide will help you reduce emergency visit to a small engine repair shop in Hudson.

In this busy lifestyle, one can certainly not afford to visit the repair shop time and again. Thus, it indeed is a smart choice to keep all your small engine machines in up-to-date condition for year-round with timely servicing and maintenance. Keep eye on tell tale signs of some of the most common problems with your small engine tools. This will help you get repair done before the problem gets bigger and cost you higher repair bill. 

Join the league of smart homeowners in Hudson and from today, stop overlooking the maintenance of your small engine machines. You most likely remember to take your car for oil change or tune-up, but you may have no idea what care your small engine machine needs and when. This lack of knowledge about how small engine machine functions and what sort of attention it needs is the reason many of us find the machines not working properly for more often than not; also, the machines do not last as per expected life expectancy, which is minimum up to approx 6 years. 

If you are not keeping check on the fuel flow efficiency and cleanliness of air filter, eventually you will witness the small engine machine has stopped functioning, running rough or producing smoke. Factors like dirt, stale oil and blocked filter can cause death of your small engines.

Types of Small Engines

Although you may have no mechanic background, it is really not difficult to understand the basic upkeep of your small engine equipment. Sometimes changing oil and air filter in time and in just a few dollars can save you hundreds of dollars of purchasing a new small engine equipment. 

First of all, small engine machines are divided mainly in two types based on their engine: Two stroke engines and four stroke engines. Don’t panic, as I will not be detailing the core functioning and design of these engines. But it is worth noting for you that the lubrication techniques vary from one engine to another.

In two stroke small engine machines, you need to mix the oil in the gas. And in a four-stroke small engine, you will find a separate compartment for both fuel and oil same as you have in your automobile engine.  Tools like chainsaw and weedwhackers feature two stroke engines. These are the tools that need to rotate at multiple angles. 

On other hand, equipment like lawnmowers and lawn tractors feature a four-stroke engine. These tools function in the horizontal manner and thus oil will remain stored in the bottom from where it will be distributed to different parts and components of the engine.  There is another easy way to identify if your tool runs on two stroke or four stroke engine; for instance, if the tool required to be lifted, it has two stroke engine.

Moreover, four stoke engines have more parts than two stroke engines. What’s more, they are also heavier than 2-stroke engines. In small engine machines, oil isn’t just a lubricator but also plays important role transferring heat. Most small engines are cooled by air and thus you need to ensure correct proportion of oil and gas in the two stroke engines. And if you have a four stroke engine, you need to ensure the oil fresh and filled up to required level.

Understanding the importance of engine cooling

Insufficient cooling is one of the biggest causes of small engine failure. Once the usage session is finished, let the engine run in idle mode for a while before you power off. This will help the machine cool down automatically. Once the machine is turned off, clean it properly and remove debris and dust. The shrouds on your small engines help them cool down. Such small precaution will add to the service life expectancy of your small engine machine. And you will also witness fewer visits to a local small engine repair shop in Hudson.

Need more tips on your small engine maintenance or need repair? Visit a small engine repair shop in Hudson today!

Tuesday, 24 January 2017

DIY Troubleshooting Tips To Consider Before Visiting a Small Engine Repair Shop in Ashland

Given timely repair and maintenance, your small engine machine, like a lawn mower, a chain saw, a snow blower and lawn tractor, will see less problems and last longer. However, no matter how sincerely you handle the servicing and maintenance of your small engine equipment, you won’t be able to prevent normal wear and tear of its parts and components.

If you witness any trouble with your small engine machine, you got mainly two options: visit your local small engine repair shop in Ashland immediately or you can first troubleshoot the issue on your own before heading to a repair shop. If you have those excellent mechanical skills, you can also perform DIY small engine repair. In any case, make sure you check the user manual of the machine first before you begin with troubleshooting or repair.

small engine repair Ashland
Following are some of the most commonly encountered small engine problems by households and small engine repair Ashland professionals.

Engine is running rough

There can be many reasons why your small engine is running rough. If you notice the engine cycle is running with up and down speed, the issue may be related to the inefficient fuel flow in the engine. Now there can be many reasons that can impact the fuel flow. For example, if any object has somehow reached into the gas tank and interrupting the fuel flow, you will find your engine cycle speed is running up and down.

In such scenario, you can drain the gas tank and remove any small or big clog inside it. A next thing to check is if the carburetor is fed properly. Clogged up carburetor can also make your engine run inefficiently. Try cleaning the carburetor and fit it again to see if it makes any difference in the way your small engine runs.

Engine isn’t starting 

Most of the time, it is the empty gas tank that prevent your small engine from starting. When you encounter this problem, the first thing you need to check is if your gas tank is filled up enough. Old, contaminated gas can also cause trouble starting the engine. If your small engine equipment contains gas that was filled up a season ago, empty the gas tank and refuel it with fresh gas.

Other problems like damaged or clogged up spark plug, jammed-up air filter and inefficient fuel filter can also cause trouble starting your engine. You can take the machine to a local small engine repair Ashland specialist and get the problem fixed. The repair specialist may replace some parts of clean them as per the need and will get your machine running again.

The engine is getting idle while in use

If your small engine suddenly gets into the idle mode while running, this can be due to choked up air filter, clogged up spark plug or disconnected spark plug. Most of the time, it is the failure of ignition system that causes an idle mode.

While inspecting the spark plug, do check its leads and measure the gap if it is as per manufacturer guideline. Removing, cleaning or replacing a spark plug isn’t an amateur’s job. If you lack the required skills and knowledge, it is wise to get this checked at a nearby small engine repair shop in Ashland.

The engine is making noise while running

This can occur if the airflow to the engine is restricted. You first need to check the air filter and find out if it is not choked up by debris and dirt. If it is a foam filter, you can clean it and refit it. But if it is a paper filter, you will need to replace it. Air filters are available at a very cheap price.

So, replacing one won’t cost you a bomb. If your small engine machine still continue wheezing while on, take it to a local mechanic to determine the exact cause of the problem. It is wise to get the problem fixed before it grows bigger and cost you a huge sum.

Safety Gears You will Need to Wear

Whether you are a small engine repair specialist or a DIY repair enthusiast, it is extremely important to wear safety gears while repairing or servicing small engine machines. Now the question is what all personal protective equipment you need to wear. Headwear, eye wear, gloves and appropriate clothing should be worn while operating a small engine equipment. 

Your whole body should be covered properly to avoid skin problems. The clothing should be tightly hugged to skin. Always wear rubber boots. After all, your safety is at utmost priority. Even a small ignorance can cause physical injury. However, if you are lacking time or skills to repair your small engine machine on own, it is a best idea to seek a professional mechanic’s help. Look for a reliable small engine repair shop in Ashland online today! 

Monday, 23 January 2017

Getting Your Lawn Mower Repair Westborough in Time Can Prolong the Machine Life

Well, if you have a home with a small or large lawn area, indeed lawn mower is your go-to equipment. But it’s a machine after all! The parts get worn out and damaged over time and thus you regularly find the need to visit a lawn mower repair shop in Westborough. No matter how much efforts and time you invest in its timely maintenance, there will be some time when some parts in your mower need to be repaired or replaced.

Lawn Mower Repair Westborough
Given good care and maintenance, your mowing machine can last minimum approx 6 years. Besides regular maintenance and repair, you should also save your mower from thick tree stumps, bricks or any other hard obstacle that may come in your route while mowing your garden or yard. Accidentally hitting your lawn mower to a hard surface can damage the cutting blades and other parts of the machine.

Lawn Mower Repair Westborough

It is also a great idea to prepare annual maintenance schedule for your lawn mower so you never skip on routine checks. Following is a season-wise mower maintenance program suggested by a general professionals lawn mower repair shop in Westborough. Let’s read on.

The beginning of the mowing season

  • Check the oil level in your gas mower if it needs to be refilled.
  • Households with 2-stroke small engine should prepare a mixture of gasoline and 2-cycle oil in the proportion recommended in the user manual of the equipment. If you don’t have your mower’s user manual handy, you can also consult your local lawn mower repair Westborough specialist for the guidance. 
  • Clean the mower deck if it has some clippings there. You can use a plastic knife to clear the deck properly. Every time you use your mower, never forget to immediately clear the deck of clippings and other debris. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will become to remove those dried debris and clippings from the deck. Besides, you should note that clippings stuck on the undercarriage walls, if not cleaned, will interrupt the airflow and impact the mulching capacity of the mower. If the deck is made of metal, clippings can also cause corrosion into the metal.
  • Next, check the pull starter cord of the machine and change it if found damaged.
  • Inspect the cutting blades and if they aren’t sharp enough, make sure to sharpen them before you begin with the new mowing season. Typically, one should sharpen the mower blade while storing the machine in the beginning of winter. Sharp mower blade will ensure quick and even cutting.

In the course of mowing 
  • Use a hose to consistently remove clippings from the deck
  • Clean debris and grass clippings from the cooling fins, air intake surface and engine cover of the machine. Repeat this procedure every time you use mower. This is essential step to prevent engine overheating.
  • In case your lawn mower has manual control for engine-speed adjustment, ensure it is set right.
  • Parts like chain drives and belts can worn out or get loose over time. Check them at a regular time interval and make sure there is no damage occurred. And get them replaced at your local lawn mower repair Westborough shop if needed.
Winter storage tips for your lawn mower

Following are some tips shared by the top lawn mower repair specialists in Westborough on how to store your mower right before winter begins.

  • If you have gas based lawn mower, remember to add stabilizer in the fuel tank and keep the mower engine running until the fuel tank gets empty. 
  • Detach the spark plug and mix about an ounce of oil into engine cylinder. In order to ensure that the oil you have added is evenly spread amongst all moving parts of the engine, pull back the starter cord in slow manner. Once the oiling job is done, fit the plug to its original place.
  • Typically, a lawn mower owner should replace the spark plug of the machine at approx every 4 year. 
  • Check the blades of the mower if sharpening is needed. 
  • Check the air filter of your carburetor. If the filter is foam based, you can wash it using normal soap and water mixture. Rinse the filter well and allow it to dry completely. Next, you need to apply engine oil to the filter and let it dry again before you fit it again. If your mower’s carburetor has paper based air filter, there is no way you can clean it and reuse it. So, you will need to replace it. 
  • If your mower has four-stroke engine, drain the old oil and refill new oil.
  • The place where you are thinking to store your mower for the entire winter season, make sure it has good ventilation and the place should be dry. If the flooring of storage area is made of concrete, don’t forget to spread a plastic cover before you put the machine on the floor. Otherwise, the moisture will cause corrosion in your mower deck.
  • Need some more tips on lawn mower maintenance? Visit a professional and reliable lawn mower repair shop in Westborough today!
For more information visit

Friday, 13 January 2017

The Most Common Causes of Lawn Mower Repair Ashland

Is your lawn mower engine not starting? Don’t worry. Most probably, it may be due to some issue with the battery, spark plug or fuel system of your mower which can be fixed at a local lawn mower repair shop in Ashland in cost-effective manner.

Lawn Mower Repair Ashland

However, it is a good idea to get a detail insight into the problem your lawn mower has before you take it to a repair shop. Let’s dig into some most common lawn mower problems and how to fix them.

These 3 parts of components in lawn mower are the most vulnerable to problems


If your lawn mower has been filled with fresh oil recently, generates a spark and turns over, it indicates that your mower battery needs to be charged. This can also be a result of loose battery cables, so check if all the cables are tight enough. 

In some cases when lawn mower hasn’t been used for a long time, its battery may lose its efficiency and thus may not be able to hold the charge no matter how long you put it in charging. In such cases, you can buy a new battery and start using your mower again. 

Spark Plug

After battery troubleshooting, the next part or rather component you need to check is spark plug. If you are going to use mower for the first time after winter months, make sure you attach the spark plug wire in correct manner; doing it wrong can prevent the mower from running.  

Particularly when you see the mower motor doesn’t roll over as you turn on the engine, it is a sign that there is something wrong with the spark plug. Now you may either detach the plug on your own or visit your local lawn mower repair shop in Ashland to get the job done for you. When you detach the spark plug, check if it is not clogged up due to debris or inspect if there is any kind of damage occurred to it. Replace the old plug with the new one; it is a cheap component so you don’t have to worry about your budget. 

Check your user manual to find out the exact size of spark plug your mower needs and learn the right spark plug gapping your specific mower model needs. Sometimes, the whole ignition system on your mower needs to be replaced. It is best to get your mower checked by a mower repair specialist to determine the exact cause of the problem. 

Fuel system

Always remember to empty your mower’s fuel tank at the end of each mowing session. Not doing so can lead to a blocked carburetor, which will prevent the mower engine from starting. Every time you take out the mower, make sure you fill in fresh fuel. 

It is very important that all fuel lines are blockage-free as only then the fuel will pass through carburetor efficiently. Clogged, curved or loose fuel lines need to be fixed before you use mower the next time. Likewise, fuel filter is also a critical component to the efficient functioning of your lawn mower. 

Clogged or damaged fuel filter can obstruct the flow of fuel and in turn prevent the engine from running. Sometimes you just need to tap the carburetor to resume the float and the fuel will start flowing efficiently. 

Other Lawn Mower Problems
  • Auto power offs: If your lawn mower turns off automatically while in use, it may be due to clogged air filter or bad gas in the machine. Fixing the filter or bad gas will let you enjoy non-stop mowing session every time. 
  • Engine Overheating: Most lawn mower brands available out there feature cooling fins and engine shrouds to control the engine temperature while mower is in use. However, when these fins are clogged up with lawn clippings, dirt or debris, the machine overheats and turns off. 
  • Inefficient cutting: Over consistent use, your lawn mower blades get a bit dull. When blades aren’t sharp enough, the mower will not cut properly regardless of all your time and efforts. In some cases, the mower blades are damaged when the machine hits a big stump, rock or other hard object while in use. The blades need to be replaced in such scenario. But remember, it’s not a DIY task. You can get the blades sharpen by a pro mechanic at a nearby lawn mower repair shop in Ashland or replace the blades if required.
A word of advice by the top lawn mower repair experts Ashland

Giving utmost importance to regular lawn mower maintenance will eventually help you in many ways; you will see fewer troubles with the machine, reduce in the no. of emergency visits to the mower repair shop, lower annual mower repair bills, etc. While storing your mower for several weeks or longer period, remember to empty the fuel tank, remove the spark plug and detach other attachments. Clean the mower properly before you store it. And don’t forget to remove the batteries. 

metrowest lawn and power equipment

Inspired by so many videos and tutorials of DIY lawn mower available on the internet, many unskilled people attempt to repair the mower on own and end up hurting themselves or causing even more damage to the machine. Unless you are a pro mechanic yourself, always visit a local lawn mower repair shop in Ashland for any repair or maintenance job for your small engine machine. 

For more information visit